Women's Voice: women's magazine of the Socialist Worker's Party


Set one consists of three bound volumes. Second set (loose issues) & 40 missing. See also separate entry for Women's Voice: International Socialist Women. This is an earlier version of Women's Voice, produced when the organisation was called International Socialist (IS). When they became the Socialist Workers Party in 1977, Women's Voice became a magazine and was renumbered form Issue 1. 1977: (1) Jan; (2) Feb; (3) Mar; (4) Apr; (5) May; (6) Jun; (7) Jul; (8) Aug; (9) Sep; (10) Oct; (11) Nov; (12) Dec 1978: (13) Jan; (14) Feb; (15) Mar; (16) Apr; (17) May; (18) Jun; (19) Jul; (20) Aug; (21) Sep; (22) Oct; (23) Nov; (24) Dec 1979: (25) Jan; (26) Feb; (27) Mar; (28) Apr; (29) May; (30) Jun; (31) Jul; (32) Aug; (33) Sep; (34) Oct; (35) Nov; (36) Dec 1980: (37) Jan; (38) Feb; (39) Mar; (40) Apr; (41) May; (42) Jun; (43) Jul-Aug; (44) Sep; (45) Oct; (46) Nov; (47) Dec; Special Edition (Emma Sonderband) 1981: (48) Jan; (49) Feb; (50) Mar; (51) Apr; (52) May; (53) Jun; (54) Jul; (55) Sep; (56) Oct; (57) Nov; (58) Dec 1982: (59) Jan; (60) Feb; (61) Mar; (62) Apr; (63) May; (64) Jun


Identifier lxhzh3sk
IRN 478836
Class Mark FAN/PER/1305
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/lxhzh3sk
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Periodicals

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