1971: Vol 2 (3) Jan- 'Women workers & capitalism'
1972: Vol 2 (4) Jan- 'Women's movement'; Vol 3 (1) Sexuality; Vol 3 (3) Jul- 'Women Locked Up'
1974: Vol 3 (4) Jan- 'International Women'; Vol 4 (1) Winter- 'Androgyny'
1975: Vol 4 (2) Spring- 'Cost of Living'
1976: Vol 4 (3) Feb- 'Children'; Vol 5 (1) May- 'Humour & Fantasy'
1978: Vol 6 (1) Feb- 'Power'
1979: Vol 6 (3) Feb- 'Ties that Bind'
1980: Vol 7 (1) Jan- 'Survivial with or without men'; Vol 7 (2) Apr- 'Mothering'
1981: Vol 7 (3) Jan- 'Healing'
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