Topping Out Ceremony


Topping out ceremony at a new block of flats near Swiss Cottage, London. The ceremony is traditional in the building industry, and marks either the roofing-in of a building, or the half-way stage in the construction of a building. The Mayor of Camden and architect Dennis Lennon hoist a bunch of laurel leaves, a (once) common practice in topping-out ceremonies performed by Trollope & Colls. Many building contractors prefer to hoist a flag. Mounted, with ms. notes. Originally held in Photo File: Traditional Customs, Annual Fairs, Bonfires. A digital version of this photograph can be viewed on the LAVC web pages.


Identifier jq95352n
IRN 412583
Class Mark LAVC/PHO/P1633
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Traditional Customs, Annual Fairs, Bonfires: Photocards
Date July 1967
Size and Medium 1 mounted photographic print.

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