Folklore Correspondence


This file contains correspondence between Tony Green and various correspondents concerning a variety of folk customs and beliefs. The file includes correspondence accompanying an article extracted from the 'Daily Oklahoman', 14 February 1980, on Valentines Day customs; and an article, extracted from the 'Northern Echo' newspaper, 15 July 1982, on Lesley Hargreaves' research into mourning customs and funeral teas in the village of Shotton Colliery. The file also includes a series of correspondence in response to the radio programme, 'Strange Tales and Common Customs', featuring Tony Green, and broadcast on BBCRadio 4 on 26 October 1982. The subject matter includes wedding customs; the origination of the Scots street song 'Mary Matanzy'; the Praying Hole in Colden, West Yorkshire; black cats and luck; children's pilgrimages and Good Friday customs; children's games; a mummers' song from the Ripponden area (West Yorkshire); Weardale dialect; and an urban legend concerning Queen Victoria. The Weardale dialect correspondence includes a copy of W. M. Egglestone's pamphlet 'Betty Podkins' Visit to Auckland Flower Show: An Amusing Narrative in the Weardale Dialect', (Darlington: Egglestone, ca. 1873), 12 pp. This file is arranged chronologically.


Identifier gnfm11k2
IRN 410549
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/1/3/8
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Regional Social Histories
Creator(s) Green, Anthony E
Date 1980-1982
Size and Medium 1 file of ms. and typed papers, newspaper cuttings and 1 printed pamphlet.

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