Folk Drama: General


This file contains a copy of Alex Helm's typed 'Index of Folk Plays' (complete to June 1956), [41] leaves, with ms. annotations; a copy of 'Traditional Drama: S[urvey of] L[anguage and] F[olklore]. Research Guide No. 1', by M. G. Smith, P. S. Smith and John Widdowson (Sheffield: Survey of Language and Folklore, & Archives of Cultural Tradition, 1972), 8 pp., with suggested areas of investigation including play and performance, performers, times of performance, locality of performance, informant's personal background and community background; a photocopy of Norman Simms' paper, 'Some Theoretical Social Aspects of Late Medieval Drama in London', from 'Parergon', number 4 (December 1972), pp. 10-19; a photocopy of an ms. list of play texts and other items in the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies (IDFLS) Archive relating to mumming, compiled by Margaret Jackson (February 1973), [4] leaves]; a photocopy of a review of Richard Axton's 'European Drama of the Early Middle Ages' (London: Hutchinson University Library, 1974), by Norman Simms, from 'Parergon', number 13 (December 1975), pp. 51-56; a copy of 'An Interim Checklist of Chapbooks Containing Traditional Play Texts', by Michael Preston, M. G. Smith, and P. S. Smith (Newcastle: History of the Book Trade in the North, 1976), 52 pp. (spiral-bound); a photocopy of Peter Harrop's typed paper of references for his seminar, 'Review of the Scholarship of English Folk Drama' (8 February 1978), 6 leaves; and Peter Harrop's paper on English folk drama, extracted from 'Contact', number 8 (Winter/Spring 1980), pp. 22-23. File arranged chronologically.


Identifier y48bw1c7
IRN 410794
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/14/4/1
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Drama
Date 1956-1980
Size and Medium 1 file of typed and photocopied papers, 2 printed pamphlets and 1 magazine extract.

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