Items Relating to the Academic Study of Folklife


Typed outline of the M.A. in Modern English Language and Cultural Tradition at the Department of English Language, University of Sheffield; press release on the designation of the Centre for English Cultural Tradition and Language at the University of Sheffield (29 April 1976); typed and duplicated session programme (1977-1978), application form for membership, and press release for the Greater Manchester Folklore Society; photocopy of a guide to the School of Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh (n.d.); two copies of Stewart Sanderson's paper, 'The Present State of Folklore Studies in Scotland', offprinted from 'Folk Lore', volume LXVIII (December 1957), pp. 457-466 (one copy with Sanderson's ms. inscription to Harold Orton, 27.1.1959); printed leaflet, in Irish and English, on the Folklore Society of Ireland; printed guide to the Department of Irish Folklore, University College, Dublin (n.d.; 3 copies); prospectus for the Institute of African and Asian Studies, University of Khartoum, for 1977-1978; circulars on the Institute of Early Childhood Development's collection of Australian children's folklore, and Multicultural Cassette Series (n.d.) (see audio tapes LAVC/SRE/A589 and LAVC/SRE/A590); typed list of folk museums in the United States.


Identifier xxk3m3k3
IRN 410519
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/1/2/12
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Miscellaneous Collections of Folklore
Date 1959-1978
Size and Medium 1 file of typed, printed and photocopied papers.

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