Conferences and Folk Events
This file contains ephemera used to promote and provide information on conferences and other events related to folklore and folklife. This includes a leaflet for the 2nd Yorkshire Folk and Craft Fayre at Pudsey Civic Centre (n.d.); a typed announcement from the Yorkshire Society for Celtic Studies for a lecture by Stanley R. Jones (n.d.); the National Folk Festival Association's '1974 Calendar of Folk Festivals and Related Events'; a programme of residential courses run by the Arvon Foundation at Lumb Bank [?Devon] and Totleigh Barton, 1977; a typed programme for the Manchester History Workshop, 22 -24 April 1977; a typed A.G.M. agenda and lecture announcement for the British Association for the Advancement of Science West Yorkshire Branch (April 1977); a typed letter addressed to Stewart Sanderson, and accompanying poster, on the Just Folk Folk Festival at and in aid of the Avoncroft Museum of Buildings, Bromsgrove; a leaflet for the Ilkley Literature Festival ( Ilkley, West Yorkshire), 1977; a leaflet announcing the Maud Karpeles Memorial Lecture at the English Folk Dance and Song Society, 11 November 1977; a typed announcement of a lecture by J. Geraint Jenkins at the University of Leeds, 28 November 1977; a typed lecture programme for the Postgraduate Seminar in Folk Life Studies, University of Leeds (n.d.); printed cards with the programme of the Folklore Society for 1977-1978, and 1978-1979 (3 copies); a typed programme for the International Centenary Conference of the Folklore Society, 17-21 July 1978 (2 copies); colour programme for the 12th Golden Harp Television Festival at Ennis, County Clare, 22-26 May 1978; leaflets for The Heritage of Scotland summer school at the University of Stirling, 1-14 July 1978, and leaflets outlining accommodation at the University (3 copies of each); a typed programme for a conference of the American Association of Popular Culture held at the University of Sussex 22-25 July 1978; typed information and application form for e Traditional Drama conference at the University of Sheffield, 1979 (2 copies); typed programmes for seminars on traditional drama, and approaches to fieldwork in folklore and oral history, at the Centre for English Cultural Tradition and Language, University of Sheffield, 1980; circular for the 8th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research in Edinburgh, 12-18 August 1979; typed programmes for the Oral History Society's annual conferences, 1978-1979; typed papers on the International Oral History Conferenceheld in Amsterdam, 24-26 October 1980; typed details of the Touring Exhibition Programme run by the Museum and Art Gallery Service for Yorkshire and Humberside, April 1979-March 1981; typed details of a Folklore Society conference on the folklore of ghosts, 21-24 July 1980; a printed programme for the International Association of Music Libraries' 12th congress and International Association of Sound Archives' 11th Annual Conference, Cambridge, 3-8 August 1980; A4 colour poster for series on British folktales and legends broadcast on BBCRadio 4, October-November 1980. Many of the leaflets and other papers have pinholes at the upper edges or in the corners, indicating that they were probably displayed on an information board for staff and students in the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies (IDFLS). The arrangement of this file is largely chronological.
Identifier | xpwqnp6v |
IRN | 410513 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/1/2/6 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Miscellaneous Collections of Folklore |
Date | 1974-1981 |
Size and Medium | 1 file of printed and typed papers. |