These files contain bibliographies, catalogues and related items, collected by Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies (IDFLS) archivists and members of staff. The items were originally held in one single file, but are now held in two files. The first file includes a typed 'Selection List of Folklore Studies', 3 leaves, including publications in German and French; a typed 'A List of Some Important Regional Novels of the British Isles' , 17 leaves, issued by the School of English; a photocopy of a typed bibliography of folk traditions in Ireland (compiled by the IDFLS ca. 1976?); a typed bibliography and course outline, [7] leaves, for a course in Irish Folk Culture taught by John C. Messenger at the Folklore Institute, Indiana University, (1965); a typed list of books published by the Landsmåls- och Folkminnesarkivet i Uppsala, [4] leaves; typed booklet, 'American Folklore: A Bibliography of Major Works', compiled by Joseph H. Hickerson, and issued by the Archive of Folk Song at the Library of Congress, (1973), 22 pp. (2 copies); typed 'Inventory of the Bibliographies and Other Reference and Finding Aids Prepared by the Archive of Folk Song, Library of Congress', (1978), 11 pp.; a typed extract from Rosemary Green's, 'A Bibliography of Printed Works Relating to Wiltshire, 1920-1960', [5] leaves, and typed book list, 'Cannon Goddard's Wiltshire Bibliography', [3] leaves, both compiled by H.W.F.C. (April 1976); a photocopy of the bibliography from Edwin Radford and Mona A. Radford's 'Encyclopedia of Superstitions', pp. 371-376; typed list of 'Oral History' back numbers, (September 1976), 2 pp.; a photocopy of G. A. Mega and G. K. Spyridakes' 'Bibliografia tes Ellenikes Laotrafias ton Eton 1939-1947' (1951), pp. 163-266; a typed circular listing publications of the Centre for English Cultural Tradition and Language, (ca. 1978); a circular for publications and recordings available from the Centre for Oral Traditions; and typed catalogues issued by bookseller Bob l, A Catalogue of Yorkshire-Interest Books and Printed Matter (Summer 1975), Some Books of Interest to the North-Countryman (n.d.) and A Catalogue of Yorkshire-Interest Books (Spring 1976). The second file contains printed catalogues and booklists, and related items. These include Monk Bretton Books catalogue 6, 'Folk-Lore and Fairy Tales'; Elliot Klein Ltd. catalogues 1, 'The International Folktale: Part I: A-K', 2, 'The International Folktale: Part II: L-Z', 3, 'Folksong, Folk Medicine and Gypsies', 4, 'Regional Ethnology: Europe, the Near East & the Americas', and Special Lists A, 'Anthropology', B, 'Comparative Religion' and C, 'Urban Life & Lore'; Bibliotique catalogue number 178, 'Folklore'; Librairie Biffures' 'Livres anciens et modernes' catalogue number 2, 'Histoire des femmes et des feminismes' (September 1979); University Microfilms International catalogues for Doctoral Dissertations on Anthropology (1978 and 1979), Linguistics (1979 and 1980), the United Kingdom (1979) and Russia (1977?); University Microfilms Limited's 'Catalog of Demand Reprints from David R. Weimer's Bibliography of American Culture 1493-1875' (1975); printed list of newly available titles from Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim (Summer 1979); Cottage Books' 'Rural Life Past & Present: A Bulletin of Books on Rural Life', catalogues 22 (Christmas 1979), 23 (January/February 1980) and 27 (October/November 1980); issue of the 'Antiquarian Book' ,volume V, number 3 (March 1978); issue of 'D K Newsletter' (on Indian publications in English), volume VI, number 22 (20 November 1980); and publicity items for John Widdowson's 'If You Don't Be Good: Verbal Social Control in Newfoundland', Karl Beckson's 'Henry Harland: His Life and Work', Caomhín Ó Danachair's 'Bibliography of Irish Ethnology and Folk Tradition', Garland Publishing's 'The Renaissance and the Gods'series, and Peter Carnell's 'Ballads in the Charles Harding Firth Collection of the University of Sheffield'. Typed and photocopied items, and printed items, are held in separate files.
Identifier | w76s73k3 |
IRN | 410532 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/1/2/19 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Miscellaneous Collections of Folklore |
Date | 1951-1980 |
Size and Medium | 2 files of typed, photocopied and printed items. |