[Sermons, etc.]


There are 2-line initials in red or the ink of the text. The pastedowns are from a 12th-century sanctoral of a missal, with the vigil and day of Saint Lawrence on the rear board, and (inverted) Saint Arnulf and the octave of Saint Lawrence on the front board. Written in cursive book script. See for a fuller description: N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, vol. 3 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983) pp. 63-65. See also: D. K. Coveney, 'Johannes Sintram de Herbipoli', in: Speculum, vol. 16, 1941, pp. 336-339, T. C. Petersen, 'Johs. Sintram de Herbipoli in two of his mss', in: Speculum, vol. 20, 1945, pp. 74-83, and J. A. Symington, The Brotherton Collection: a Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Collected by Edward Allen Baron Brotherton of Wakefield (Leeds, 1931), pp. 4-5. Copies of all are available for consultation. Principal contents: ff. 1r-6r Hugh of Saint Victor's treatise De vanitate mundi; ff. 6v-76r Sermons, mainly of the temporale; ff. 76v-82r Itinerarium Mentis in Deum (or The Vision of the Poverello in the Desert of Mt. Alverna) by Saint Bonaventura; f. 82v a drawn hand, with texts beginning 'Meditare' on each finger and on the palm; ff. 83r-182r principally sermons, mainly for saints' days; ff. 184r-188r Indexes to the sermons. From the library of Lord Brotherton.


Identifier wnsy8796
IRN 372707
Class Mark BC MS 102
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/wnsy8796
Collection(s) Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Medieval Manuscripts (Brotherton Collection)
Creator(s) John Sintram, Bonaventura Saint, Cardinal, Hugh of Saint-Victor
Date [1412 (-1425?)]
Size and Medium 1 v. (ii, 188 leaves) (1 column, 29-51 lines; frame-ruled)

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