Extracts from Ptolemy's Almagest and other works, and from the Greek commentators on the Almagest 9 (v.1)


Volume 1 contains extracts from Ptolemy Mathematike Syntaxis (the Almagest), together with two other short works on astronomy by Ptolemy (c. 2 AD), and extracts from the commentary on the Mathematike Syntaxis by Theon of Alexandria (c. 4 AD). Volume 2 contains an astronomical treatise in 38 chapters. The chapter headings suggest that it is a compendium of Ptolemaic astronomy. Volume 3 contains a compilation of astrological and astronomical extracts. It includes material from the introduction to Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos by Porphyry (c. 3 AD), epitomes of the Apotelesmatica of Hephaestion of Thebes (c. 4 AD), and the commentary on Paul of Alexandria (c. 4 AD) attributed to 'Heliodorus'. There is also anonymous material, and an (unpublished?) work by the Byzantine mathematician Nicolaus Artabasdos Rhabdas (c. 14 AD).


Identifier tg5ryvvh
IRN 627526
Class Mark BC MS 31
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/tg5ryvvh
Collection(s) Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Medieval Manuscripts (Brotherton Collection)
Creator(s) Ptolemy, Theon of Alexandria, Porphyry, Rhabdas, Nicolaus Artabasdos
Date [14--? ]
Size and Medium 3 vols

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