[Sermons, etc.]


Bound in a composite volume with three printed works. Red highlighting on ff. 37r-40r, 49r, and 95r-107r. Written in German cursive, by nine different scribes. Bound with three 15th-century publications. Volume contents: 1. Herolt J: Sermones discipuli, 1478. -- 2. Giovanni d'Andrea: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, 1477. -- 3. Saint Thomas Aquinas: Tractatus sollemnis de arte & vero modo predicandi, 1477. ff. 1r-36v Henricus de Frimaria (d. 1340), 'De decem praeceptis'; ff. 37r-44v Matthias Engelschalk, 'Sermo academicus'; ff. 44v-45v A list of the incipits of the Psalms; ff. 45v-54r List of lections; ff. 54r-93r A commentary on the Psalms; ff. 93v-94r An excerpt from a treatise on pluralism; f. 94r-v A sermon on St Stephen; ff. 95r-99r A commentary on the Passion; ff. 99v-107r A sermon on the Passion; ff. 108r-128r An alphabetical list of biblical quotations; ff. 129r-136v Theobaldus, 'Physiologus'; ff. 137v-138r 'De potestate ecclesiastica'; ff. 138v-139r 'Errores contra preceptum non occides'. From the library of Lord Brotherton. See for a fuller description: O. S. Pickering, 'A Sermon-Related Latin Manuscript in Leeds University Library', in: Medieval Sermon Studies, 28 (1991), pp. 61-64.


Identifier dxfjtj3p
IRN 372709
Class Mark BC MS 104
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/dxfjtj3p
Collection(s) Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Medieval Manuscripts (Brotherton Collection)
Creator(s) Henricus de Frimaria
Date [1444-1481 ?]
Size and Medium 1 v. (i, 140 leaves) (the number of columns and lines varies throughout)

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