[The Anonimalle Chronicle]


Decoration: 17-line initial in red and blue (f. 36r). 2-line initials, rubrics and paragraph marks in red, capitals touched in red, and marginal notes framed in red ink, throughout. Written in bastard anglicana, by a number of different scribes. Principal contents: ff. 1r-35v Miscellaneous historical and chronicle-related texts in French and Latin; ff. 36r-271r A version of the Brut chronicle, ending in 1333; ff. 271r-353v The Anonimalle Chronicle, 1333-1381, including descriptions of the Good Parliament (1376) and the Peasants' Revolt (1381). Acquired by the Brotherton Collection, in 1982. For descriptions, see: V. H. Galbraith (ed.), The Anonimalle Chronicle, 1333 to 1381 (Manchester, 1927); W. R. Childs and J. Taylor (eds.), The Anonimalle Chronicle 1307 to 1334: From Brotherton Collection MS 29 (Leeds, 1991); and Diana B. Tyson, 'Three Short Anglo-Norman Texts in Leeds University Library Brotherton Collection MS 29', Nottingham Medieval Studies, 52 (2008), 81-112.


Identifier phz8qh7w
IRN 372703
Class Mark BC MS 29
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/phz8qh7w
Collection(s) Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Medieval Manuscripts (Brotherton Collection)
Date [ca. 1350-1400]
Size and Medium 1 v. (353 leaves) (1 column, ca. 39-42 lines; ruled in lead)

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