Corpus Christi (fol. 25r)


The scene of the Holy Communion is depicted, with a priest offering the eucharist to a kneeling elderly figure. Another member of the clergy holds a long burning candle. A young man, clad in a long, dark cloak, kneels in prayer at the altar, while a woman clad in a dark cloak stands in the background. Context: Hours of Corpus Christi: Corpus Christi: Domine labia mea aperies


Identifier s2cq2bn5
IRN 372966
Class Mark BC MS 4/10
Level Piece
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Manuscript
Parent Record [Hours of Antoine de Crèvecœur]
Date [1450-1475]

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