Academic Correspondence File 108


Misc. Correspondence between Harold Orton and J.W. Saunders regarding Orton’s public lecture at an Adult Education Centre in Middlesbrough; from the Scolar Press regarding the journal Archivum Linguisticum; from E.R. Seary, including a typescript of Seary’s Presidential Address to the Canadian Linguistic Association on Newfoundland place names, and regarding an article on Avalon Peninsula (Newfoundland); from F.J. Orton, Academic Secretary at the University of Sheffield, regarding Orton’s support of John Widdowson for the Chair of English Language; from D. Shenton regarding Survey of English Dialects Basic Material volumes given to Orton by E.J. Arnold & Son; with J.T. Smith of the Vernacular Architecture Group regarding distribution maps for cruck constructions and aisled buildings; with William Snowden regarding three Scarborough dialect words learned from his mother; from Torbjorn Soderholm regarding his doctoral dissertation on 17th-century end rhymes; with Johannes Soderlind regarding the gift of Survey of English Dialects Basic Material volumes to the University of Uppsala; a copy of correspondence between Stewart Sanderson and S. Sharp of the University of Bristol regarding a dialect survey of Somerset, and a letter regarding the same from Rosa Ewing of the Somerset Rural Community Council; correspondence from John Ades of the University of Southern Illinois regarding Orton’s 1971 visit; with Michael Stevens regarding the tape recording of regional dialects; with Eric Stockton regarding submissions to Tennessee Studies in Literature; and with John Stoll regarding recommendations for academic posts at the University of Georgia and Moorhead State College, Minnesota. 1 file. 1964-1972.


Identifier rdqclpkp
IRN 417523
Class Mark LAVC/SED/1/1/6/108
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Academic-Related
Date 1964-1972

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