Academic Correspondence File 42


Misc. Correspondence from Joyce Daly regarding a teaching position in Sweden (1960); Alva Davis regarding research in England, the Linguistic Atlas of England, and A Word Geography of England (1965; 1969; 1971); with Lawrence Davis regarding a Festschrift for Raven McDavid (1969); with Norma Davis regarding being an external examiner (1959); from Robert Dilworth regarding Lancashire dialect and including his ms. collection of Lancashire words and phrases (1971); and from John McNeal Dodgson of the Survey of English Folk Life at University College London regarding Salome Bridger’s glossary of Sussex shepherd lore, including a typed transcription (1960). 1 file. 1959-1971.


Identifier cwcbwb45
IRN 417457
Class Mark LAVC/SED/1/1/6/42
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Academic-Related
Date 1959-1971

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