Academic Correspondence File 11


"Kansas Papers 1967”. Correspondence between Harold Orton and correspondents at the University of Kansas regarding the purchase of a tape recorder; Orton’s correspondence with Linguaphone regarding Daniel Jones’ recordings of cardinal vowels; book store receipts, statements and invoices; correspondence relating to Orton’s car insurance; and papers relating to his stay at the Des Plaines Motor Inn (including his membership certificate for the "Great Blizzard of ’67 Club (Chicago)]. 1 file. 1967.


Identifier r5fynr84
IRN 417426
Class Mark LAVC/SED/1/1/6/11
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Academic-Related
Date 1967

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