Academic Correspondence File 99


Pop, Sever. Correspondence from Sever Pop including a photostat copy of a summary of Pop’s lecture (1954) on the Romanian linguistic survey, and a copy of his L’Atlas Linguistique Roumain (Coimbra: Casa de Castelo, 1947; 65 pp.), offprinted from Revista Portuguesa de Filologia, v. I., t. II, and signed by Sever Pop and dated 5 Feb. 1948; and an invitation (in French) to Orton to dialectology conferences to be held in Louvain and Brussels in August 1960. 1 file. 1948-1959.


Identifier cqgjytmr
IRN 417514
Class Mark LAVC/SED/1/1/6/99
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Academic-Related
Date 1948-1959

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