Traditional Song: General
This file contains items relating to aspects of traditional music, and includes a copy of 'The Health of Man', a collection of traditional songs from Bedfordshire, Yorkshire, Suffolk and Lancashire, compiled by Geoff Reeve-Black (Leeds: School of English Press, University of Leeds, 1974), 9 pp.; a copy of 'The Ploughboy's Glory: A Selection of Hitherto Unpublished Folk Songs', collected by George Butterworth, edited from the Butterworth manuscripts by Michael Dawney (London: English Folk Dance and Song Society, 1977), 49, [7] pp.; a copy of a typed paper by Peter Nalder, 'The Inner Structure of Songs' (undated: 1970s?), 20, [2] pp.; a copy of a typed paper by Peter Nalder, 'Riddles and Impossible Tasks' (undated: 1970s?), [12] leaves, on riddles and impossible tasks in folk songs; typed texts of songs sung by the Leeds Rifles in World War One, collected by Patricia Morris; Bob Pegg's paper, 'Obscene Traditions', extracted from an unidentified publication, pp. 2-4; Geoff Wood's paper, 'Collecting in Ireland', extracted from an unidentified publication, [16] pp., including the text and tunes of folk songs collected from informants in Donegal, Waterford and Antrim in 1964-1965; a broadsheet with text to the song, 'The Life and Adventures of a Pit Pony', accompanied by an ms. note by Tony Green recording its provenance (from an ex-collier who bought the broadsheet in Doncaster around the end of World War One); Maureen Jolliffe's article, 'Old Songs Re-Sung', on the adaptations of the Irish ballad 'Brennan on the Moor' in America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, extracted from 'Ireland's Own' (9 March 1963), pp. 15-16; Robert V. H. Benson's article on the Newcastle fiddler Blind Willie of Tyneside (i.e. William Purvis), extracted from 'Country Life' (3 February 1972), and mounted with another cutting on Blind Willie (30 March 1972); a photocopy of an article from the 'Northern Echo', with a mounted photograph cut from the same publication, on Bill, an 87-year old e (17 April 1975); a photocopy of an article from the Sunday Times, with a mounted photograph cut from the same publication, on Bob Hart (8 June 1975); a mounted set of four British stamps depicting cultural heritage including the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales, Morris dancing and Highland dancing and bagpipes (August 1976); Bob Usherwood's paper on pop music, extracted from the Library Association Record (January 1979), pp. 16-19; and a photocopy of an ms. list of song and dance items in the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies (IDFLS) archives relating to the North-East, compiled by IDFLS archivist Margaret Jackson. File arranged with pamphlets first, followed by undated paper and dated papers in chronological order.
Identifier | p7z9545f |
IRN | 410758 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/14/1/1/1 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Vocal Music: General |
Date | 1963-1979 |
Size and Medium | 1 file with 2 printed pamphlets, typed, ms. and photocopied papers, magazine extracts and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings. |