Christmas Traditions: Student Survey, 1978-1979


This file contains papers produced by students for the undergraduate degree in Folk Life Studies at the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies (IDFLS). The papers are the result of a survey exercise on Christmas traditions, and include information on carol singing, decorations, food, presents, cards, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The file contains papers by Anita Gebarowicz, Jacqueline Graham, Diane Sutton, Fiona Wright, Brigid Bell, Bernadette Dolan, Julie Carter, Carol Barwell, Ranjeni Pather, Sarah Mitchell, Margaret Lyons, Charles Holloway and Beverley Dixon. Most papers also include transcriptions of audio interviews. File contents retained in the order as found. The student names, as listed above, appeared on the folder originally housing these items.


Identifier lk8mbzf2
IRN 410699
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/9/2/6
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Annual Festivals
Date 1978-1979
Size and Medium 1 file of ms. papers.

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