Games Without Special Equipment
This file contains items relating to games played by children which require no special equipment. This includes an ms. letter from Doris Hepworth to Tony Green on the game 'Old Roger is Dead', accompanied by typed text of the game's song and instructions on playing (28 January 1973); typed correspondence between Audrey Marlow and Stewart Sanderson on counting out and skipping rhymes, accompanied by ms. counting out and skipping rhymes compiled by C. Marlow (aged 9) 1959, and two typed transcriptions of the rhymes (June 1964); and a mounted newspaper extract from the 'Times Educational Supplement' (10 October 1969) with a review article on Iona Opie and Peter Opie's research into children's games, including an extract from their publication 'Children's Games in Street and Playground' (Oxford: University Press, 1969). File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.
Identifier | kvzdfh1h |
IRN | 410821 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/16/1/5 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Games and Pastimes |
Date | 1959-1973 |
Size and Medium | 1 file of ms. and typed papers, and 1 mounted newspaper cutting. |