Audio Related Material


Additional material relating to the LAVC/SRE sound recordings collection, including items such as transcripts, table of contents, or audio ephemera that were once held with the audio recordings. Corresponding sound recordings, theses, and studies will be attached where relevant. Dates and creator names will be attached as found on the records, but where this is not possible the information may have been retrieved from the corresponding sound recording. This series level record comes with a folder of ms. notes on the tape collections, detailing the numbers of tapes, recording hours, and how many have been transcribed (no date for when this refers to). List of recordings with some notes on if they have been transcribed. Also includes audio tape ephemera, such as instructions, binding, and information slips.


Identifier cq7ty93k
IRN 700418
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Sound Recordings
Date n.d.
Size and Medium 11 items

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