Fieldworker Notes and Transcriptions


Ms. fieldworker notes in a spiral bound notebook. One half is made up with fieldnotes and informant answers from Gus Grenfell's work on the carolling tradition in the Old Crown pub, Penistone, and the Mason's Arms in Thorpe Hesley. The other half of the notebook is made up of the transcripts from Margaret Hackson's interviews with Kit Calvert and Stewart Sanderson. Also included in the folder are two copies of a typed extract of Gus Grenfell's work and the original tissues and envelope that housed the Kit Calvert tape.


Identifier cqz6hszj
IRN 700455
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/ARI/37
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audio Related Material
Creator(s) Smith, P. Grenfell, Jackson, Margaret
Date 1960s-1970s
Size and Medium 1 notebook, 2 pages, 2 items

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