The Good food guide
Imprint varies. 1951/2-'61/2 issued by the Good Food Club. 1963/4- issued by the Good Food Club and Consumer's Association....
Imprint varies. 1951/2-'61/2 issued by the Good Food Club. 1963/4- issued by the Good Food Club and Consumer's Association....
Includes updates Description based on: 2000 issue....
no.1-no.6 (spring 1989-winter 1991/2); no.8 (autumn/winter 1992); no.10 (spring 1994)...
1849 With an additional title-page Laid by the "Alderman". Founded on the culinary principles advocated by A. Soyer, Ude, Savarin, and other celeb...
"Presented by the Mail on Sunday."...
Complete in 72 weekly parts, in 4 boxes, with "Alphabetical index". Editor Marie-Jacqueline Lancaster....
In 2 vols. - Ill. on lining papers. - In slip case. Bibliography: p.845-877. - Includes index....
Vol.1 first published in the USA by Alfred Knopf 1961; published in Great Britain by Cassell 1963; published in Penguin Books 1966; this 13th reprint ...