Cookery Collection
Your query returned 9917 results. Showing results 991 - 1000
The honours of the table, or, Rules for behaviour during meals : with the whole art of carving, illustrated by a variety of cuts. Together with directions for going to market, and the method of distinguishing good provisions from bad; to which is added a number of hints or concise lessons for the improvement of youth, on all occasions in life
By John Trusler, the editor of Lord Chesterfield's Principles of politeness....
What we eat today
Bibliography: pages 163-168....
The cuisine of the sun : classical French cooking from Nice and Provence
First published in the USA: New York : Random House, 1976....
Le jardinier françois : qui enseigne a cultiver les arbres, & herbes potageres; avec la maniere de conserver les fruicts, & faire toutes sortes de confitures, conserves, & massepans. Dedié aux dames
Epistre aux dames typesigned at end (p. [14]): R.D.C.D.VV.B.D.N. (being, in reverse order, the initials for: Nicolas de Bonnefons valet de chambre du ...
The art of cookery made plain and easy : which far exceeds any thing of the kind yet published... To which are added, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts; and also fifty receipts for different articles of perfumery. With a copious index
By Hannah Glasse. Facsimile signature of author on p.1. Includes index....
Health-giving dishes
Includes index....
Josceline Dimbleby's complete cookbook
Includes index....