Women's Organisations, Groups and Campaigns Box 07
Abortion a women’s right to choose Afghan womens network Amalgamated union of engineering workers Amnesty International (content in boxes 7, 11) Animal liberation Ant-blacks charter Ban of the communist league campaign Bangladesh solidarity campaign Beijing action partnership Blenheim Project Bradford domestic violence forum (content in boxes 3, 7) Bradford resource centre (content in boxes 7, 9) Bread and Roses British Justice Campaign Against Domestic Violence (CADV) (content in boxes 7, 11) Campaign to fight redundancy CEDAW Centre for Popular Economics Children are unbeatable Children’s books campaign Communist party demands equal rights for women Coventry prisoners defence committee Coventry Women’s liberation Emma Humphrey’s Campaign (content in boxes 2, 6, 7) European Labour committee – London European’s women’s network EWL Facts against fiction Federation of organizations for professional women Gay liberation front Hilda’s Builders ICOM IMG Literature International labour office International women’s day demonstration – Liverpool International women’s day planning group (content in boxes 5, 6, 7) Irish people against British imperialism campaign Joint striker’s committee L.A.S.H. LAB – Latin American Women Break the silence Lancaster family allowance campaign committee Lancaster GLF Lancaster international Marxist group Latest on the squat campaign Leeds accommodation forum (LAF) Leeds City Council (content in boxes 2, 3, 7, 14) Leeds city council department of public works Leeds Civic Trust Leeds women centre group Leeds Women’s Committee (content in boxes 3, 7, 12) Life line trust London feminist seminars London international Marxist group London socialist women Manchester Once empty now a home campaign Manchester union actions group Medway workers self-help agency Miners pay strike campaign Mother’s in action (content in boxes 7, 10) Mother’s in Holloway N.U.S Grants campaign NALGO - Abortion resolution National Women’s Aid Federation (content in boxes 3, 7, 12) Nello James education programme New-co-operator Night and Day Cleaners campaign Northamptonshire Adult Reparation Bureau Northern Ireland March against internment Notting hill squatters Operation Omega OWAAD - Organisation of Women of Asian and African Descent Oxford Women’s action group PAIGC Pathfinder Press Preservation of the rights of prisoners (PROP) Revolutionary left unity Ring-a-belle escorts Schools action union Shrewsbury 24 Defence Committee Social workers and the immigration bill Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding Limited Soliciting for change South London Women’s centre Steering committee Stop fascism now – kill the immigration bill campaign Students under attack campaign Support the shop stewards campaign Survivors directory The women’s environmental network (content in boxes 3, 6, 7) The women’s press Trade unions against racism UK Consortium on Violence UNIFEM United patriotic front of Turkey Unity movement of South Africa Unity of movement of S.Africa Violence project Whitechapel Campaign WLM workshop Women against rape Women against rape and Legal action for women (content in boxes 2, 7) Women and manual trades Women and Medical Practice Women and psychiatry group Women and work Women at work (content in boxes 5, 7) Women for animal liberation Women in trade union action for equality Women make movies Women’s action group (content in boxes 7, 13) Women’s health policy group – Kirklees Women’s Lib. Centre Women’s Movement Woodhouse women’s group Zero tolerance – Scotland, London, Kirklees, Manchester, Edinborough (content in boxes 4, 7)
Identifier | zv74jqs5 |
IRN | 497840 |
Class Mark | FAN/WOGC/07 |
Level | Series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/zv74jqs5 |
Collection(s) | Feminist Archive North |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Women's Organisations, Groups and Campaigns |
Size and Medium | 1 box |