Women's Organisations, Groups and Campaigns Box 01: A


FOLDER 01 AA-AI - Aberdeen Women’s Festival, March 8-11th 1990 (booklet) - Abortion Law Reform Association (ALRA) 1975-2000 (envelope) - Abused: Facts About Violence Against Women (n.d) (small leaflet pack) VAW - Action Against Child Sexual Abuse (leaflet) - Action Choice Empowerment (ACE): project for young people at risk of or working in prostitution in Bradford 1992-1993 (envelope) - Action for Women’s Advice, Research & Education (AWARE): information sheet, 1973 - Acton Women’s Aid: Chairman’s Report (photocopy), July 1974 VAW - Act Up Leeds: World Aids Week March (n.d) (leaflet) - Advertising – Stop Selling Sexism: (large leaflet from GLC Women’s Committee exhibition, Jan 1986) - (The) Advice Desk for Abused Women (2 leaflets) VAW - Afghan Women’s Network (5 pages plus leaflet) - Age Concern: Old Age Abuse in the Domestic Setting - Review, 1983 - Ahimsa: notification of change of name from the Everyman Centre (letter) - Aid for Mothers in Action (AMICA): leaflet for report on research project on disputed contact arrangements involving domestic violence and/or child abuse (1997-98) VAW FOLDER 02: AL-AS - Alix Joseph Defence Committee (Bradford): Case Against Gingerbread (leaflet & letter) - All Leeds Women’s meeting (information sheet) - (The) Alternative to Violence Project is… (AVP) (leaflet, Jan 1995) - Amazone: Centre de Rencontre des Femmes (leaflet) Amazon Press (2 leaflets) - Amilcar Cabral (leaflets for speaking tour organised by Committee for Freedom in Mozambique, Angola and Guinea Bissau) - Amnesty International (envelope) - (The) Ancient Religion of the Cosmic Goddess: article by Monica Sjoo, June 1976 - Andrew Lloyd Political Trial (anti-military leaflet, n.d.) - Angry Women: press release regarding action at war memorials about rape and murder of women, 14 November 1982 - Animal Liberation (envelope) - Anti-Deportation campaigns (envelope): - Rosa Alaso (Bradford, 1978) - Halimat Babamba (Leeds, 1983) - Mamta Chopra (Bradford, 1993), - Mabel Achinihu (Liverpool 1980s) - Nasira Begum (Manchester) - Naheefd Firdous (Leeds) - Susan Zheng (Leeds circa 1996), - Parveen Kahn (Mancheste,r 1980s) - Afia Begum (London, 1980s) - Nigat Butt (Manchester) - Manzura Bibi (Manchester) - Rosmina Banu Randera (Manchester) - Shehnaz Sheikh - Najat Chafee - Anwar Ditta Defence Committee (3), circa 1980 - Armagh Prisoners Solidarity Committee - (The) Asian Family Counselling Service (Bradford) (leaflet) - Asian Women’s Aid (ASHA), annual report 1996 - Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff (APEX): funds appeal for equal pay strike at Salford Electrical Instruments (nd) - Association of Radical Midwives: minutes of meeting, circa 1979 FOLDER 03: AU Australian groups and organisations 1979-2001


Identifier yvxlycnt
IRN 497834
Class Mark FAN/WOGC/01
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/yvxlycnt
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Women's Organisations, Groups and Campaigns
Date 1975-2001
Size and Medium 1 box

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