Women's Organisations, Groups and Campaigns Box 04
Abonnez-vous Maintenant British federation of women’s graduates British Society of Criminology Campaign to end rape (content in boxes 4, 11) Change (content in boxes 3, 4, 5, 6) Employment initiative division FWCC – Fiji women’s crisis centre Glasgow women Haringey Women’s training and education centre Italian feminism Justice for Women – London/National, Norwich, West Yorkshire, York. (content in boxes 2, 3, 4, 6, 11) N.A.C. (content in boxes 4, 6) NUSW – national union of Samurai women RADS collective RFR – resources for feminist research Sikh oral history campaign Transact Trouble and Strife UK Association for Legal and Soclia Philosophy University of Bradford Women's group WACC – women’s abortion and contraception campaign Wages for Housework - Kings Cross Women's Centre - Women Against Rape WILPF (content in boxes 4, 14) Women in Canada Women international arts foundation (content in boxes 4, 6) Women studies – Glasgow Women Studies international forum Women’s technology centre Women's Worlds (content in boxes 3, 6, 4) WYCROW Zero tolerance – Cleveland Zero tolerance – Scotland, London, Kirklees, Manchester, Edinborough (content in boxes 4, 7)
Identifier | gnpc3l8w |
IRN | 497837 |
Class Mark | FAN/WOGC/04 |
Level | Series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/gnpc3l8w |
Collection(s) | Feminist Archive North |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Women's Organisations, Groups and Campaigns |
Size and Medium | 1 box |