Women's Organisations, Groups and Campaigns Box 03
AACSA – action against child sexual abuse Abolish The One Year Rule Campaign Abortion campaign ACE - Action. Choice, Empowerment Adapt house Ahimsa Aids march Alix Joseph defence committee Amazone – Centre de rencontre des femmes American studies research centre Anti-racist youth and community work project AVIVA BBC TV Black women’s rape action project – BWRAP Body Shop 1 in 5 campaign (content in boxes 3, 6, 11) Bradford and Keighley DV forum (content in boxes 2, 3) Bradford domestic violence forum (content in boxes 3, 7) Bradford lesbian live Bradford Rape Crisis (content in boxes 3, 2, 11) Bradford women’s action group Bradford women’s community performance project British federation of university women BSA Women’s Caucus (content in boxes 2, 3) C.H.I.N. – challenge homophobic injustice now Campaign against Andrew White Campaign against arms trade Campaign against Leeds sex shop Campaign Against Pornography (content in boxes 3, 11) Cardiff Three Campaign CARDRI women’s group Change (content in boxes 3, 4, 5, 6) Chile – our fight CR Clearinghouse Crime concern (content in boxes 2, 3) CROP D.A.W.N. D.E.S.S. Defence Campaign Defence of women’s right campaign Dehleze Project Derby women’s centre (WLM) (content in boxes 3, 9) Don’t imprison prostitutes Doncaster women’s centre Dusty’s East Leeds women’s workshop (WLM) (content in boxes 3, 9) EPOCH - National No Smacking Week Equal pay and opportunity’s campaign Equal pay project Especially for women EXIT Fawcett Society (content in boxes 2, 3, 9) Feminist archive Feminist reading group – Leeds university Food store action Free Diane Butler (content in boxes 3, 6) Free spirit trust Free Zoora Shah (content in boxes 3, 6) Girl’s apprenticeships Leeds Greenham campaign Grunwick picket campaign HALT Hare hills and Chapeltown law centre Housman’s peace resource project Incest survivors centre International women’s day event committee Jewish Women’s aid helpline Join the liberty campaign Josephine Butler Society (content in boxes 3, 11) Justice for Women – London/National, Norwich, West Yorkshire, York. (content in boxes 2, 3, 4, 6, 11) Justice for women justice for Marie Keighley domestic violence forum L.A.N. Labour lesbians Labour women Labour women’s news Labry’s trust Leeds and Bradford lesbian teachers meeting Leeds City Council (content in boxes 2, 3, 7, 14) Leeds rape crisis centre Leeds rape crisis line (content in boxes 2, 3) Leeds Shaftsbury project Leeds Women’s Committee (content in boxes 3, 7, 12) Leeds Women's aid (content in boxes 3, 6) Lesbian Emergency Action Fund Lesbian working party Lesbian, gay and bisexual young people Levenshulme women’s group London defence group London strategic policy unit Manchester council (content in boxes 2, 3, 14) Manchester Lesbian link Manchester women’s health network Mass picket of the Sunday Sport Newspaper Maureen Colquhoun campaign (content in boxes 3, 6) National assembly of women National assembly of women National association of widows National women and computing network National Women’s Aid Federation (content in boxes 3, 7, 12) NCCL – rights for women (content in boxes 3, 8) NCSS New working women Newbury bypass campaign (content in boxes 3, 8) Newsletter collective NHS Abortion Services Northern Dykes Writers group (content in boxes 3, 12) Northern gay writers Northern older lesbian network Nuclear-military chain campaign Older feminists network One to one productions and the cultural & media enterprise project Pankhurst Centre (content in boxes 3, 12) Petition for an end to male violence against women Positive parenting group Rape and abuse line Rape crisis federation Wales and England Rights for women – the collective fund SAHARA (content in boxes 3, 14) Salford women’s rights group Say no to social security cute campaign Scottish women’s aid (content in boxes 3, 13) Socialists women forum Southall Black Sisters (content in boxes 3, 6, 13, 14) Spanish experience Stop the strip-searches campaign Striving to prevent domestic violence (STOP) Susan Zheng’s right to stay campaign SWS The Asian Family Councelling Service The Children's Society The Wheel The women’s environmental network (content in boxes 3, 6, 7) The women’s room The women’s therapy centre University women’s group Victim support and victims of violence (content in boxes 2, 3) WAA-NCC connection WAPOW women against the prostitution of women WAVAW Way forward campaign West Yorkshire anti-sexist movement West Yorkshire Co - Councelling What women want WITEC Woman space (content in boxes 3, 13) Womankind worldwide (content in boxes 3, 6, 13) Women against fundamentalism Women and the third world Women in collective action Women in enterprise Women on the road for peace Women on the road for peace tour 1994 (content in boxes 3, 13) Women Speak out Women sports foundation Women studies Network group (content in boxes 2, 3) Women talking to women Women’s councilling and therapy service – Leeds Women’s counselling and therapy service LTD Women’s Holiday centre Women’s information centre Women’s information exchange Women’s legal advice sessions Women’s rights unit – NCCL Women’s walking holiday Women's Circle Women's Studies Network Women's Worlds (content in boxes 3, 6, 4) Woodswomen World Health Organiszation Press Office (WHO) WOW WSN YWCA – campaign to end rape Zero Collective (content in boxes 3, 13)
Identifier | xkmbv9yq |
IRN | 497836 |
Class Mark | FAN/WOGC/03 |
Level | Series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/xkmbv9yq |
Collection(s) | Feminist Archive North |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Women's Organisations, Groups and Campaigns |
Date | 1970-1990 |
Size and Medium | 1 box |