Author: Pearlin, L.I. Et al. Article: The Stress Process Journal/Book: Journal of Health and Social Behaviour vol 22 Publisher: Unknown Place: California Date: 1981 Author: Pearlin, L.I. Schooler, C. Article: The Structure of Coping Journal/Book: Journal of Health and Social Behaviour vol 19 Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1978 Author: Pearlin, L.I. Turner, H.A. Article: The Family as a Context of the Stress Process Journal/Book: Chapter 6 from: Kasl, S.V. Cooper, C.L. 'Stress and Health: Issues in Research Methodology' Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Place: California Date: 1987 Author: Pedinielli-Plaza, M. Article: Sex Differences and Women's Reality - The Patriarchal 'Chain' Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Peled, E. Edleson, J.L. 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Article: Factors Related to Sudanese Families Deciding Against Female Circumcision Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Sudan Date: Feb 23 - Mar 01 1979 Author: Pringle, M.K. Article: The Roots of Violence and Vandalism Journal/Book: Pamphlet Publisher: National Children's Bureau Place: London Date: 1973 Author: Procter, J. Et al. Article: Professional Mugging: Women under threat, A guide to survival Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: West Yorkshire Date: 1989-06-27 Author: Ptacek, J. Article: The Clinical Literature on Men Who Batter: A Review and Critique Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Cambridge Date: Aug 7-10 1984 Author: Punch, M. Article: The Secret Social Service Journal/Book: From: Holdaway, S. 'The British Police' Publisher: Edward Arnold Place: london Date: 1979
Identifier | tnpbyzv5 |
IRN | 497775 |
Class Mark | FAN/JH/RES/ART/Pe-Pu |
Level | Series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Feminist Archive North |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Articles |
Date | 1970-1992 |
Size and Medium | 1 box |