

Author: Farnham, M Article: Pornography Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Spinster Place: London Date: Unknown Author: Farnham, M Article: Pornography Journal/Book: Spinster (5) Publisher: Unknown Place: London Date: Unknown Author: Farrell, G. Et al. Article: Arming the Toothless Tiger: Family protection orders, court injuctions and domestic violence Journal/Book: Justice of the Peace Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1993-02-06 Author: Farrington, D.P. Article: Criminal Career Research in the United Kingdom Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Cambridge Date: Jul-91 Author: Faugeron, C Article: Notes Sur La Recerche: Images Du Viol Collectif Et Reconstruction D'Object Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Paris Date: Unknown Author: Faulk, M Article: Men Who Assault their Wives Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Medicine, Science and the Law Place: Unknown Date: Jul-74 Author: Featherstone, B & Fawcett, B Article: Feminism and Child Abuse: Opening Up Some Possibilities Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1994/95 Author: Feher, Dr. L. Article: Comments Concerning the Victimology of Alcoholism Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Hungary Date: Unknown Author: Feickert, D. Article: Sex, Work and Liberating Time in the Microchip Age Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Feinbloom, D.H. Et al. Article: Lesbian/Feminist Orientation Among Male-to-Female Transexuals Journal/Book: Journal of Homosexuality vol 2 (1) Publisher: Unknown Place: Boston Date: Autumn 1976 Author: Feldman, L. Article: Linda Feldman Rape Crisis Centre Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Linda Feldman Rape Crisis Centre Place: Jerusalem, Israel Date: Unknown Author: Fell, M. Article: Womens Speaking Journal/Book: Pamphlet Publisher: (Originally Published in London in 1666) Mosher Book & Tract Committee Place: Massachusetts Date: 1980 Author: Ferraro, K. Johnson, J.M. Article: Protecting Women: Police and Battering Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Arizona Date: 1985 Author: Ferraro, K.J. Article: The Police Response to Domestic Violence Journal/Book: Paper for American Sociological Association - Washington D.C. Publisher: None Place: Arizona Date: 1985 Author: Ferraro, K.J. Article: Negotiating Trouble in a Battered Women's Shelter Journal/Book: Urban Life vol 12 (3) Publisher: Sage Publications Place: Arizona Date: Oct-83 Author: Ferraro, K.J. Article: An Existential Approach to Battering Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Arizona Date: Unknown Author: Ferraro, K.J. Article: Summary of Domestic Violence Police Policy Research Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Arizona Date: Unknown Author: Ferraro, K.J. Johnson, J.M. Article: How Women Experience Battering: The Process of Victimization Journal/Book: Social Problems vol 30 (3) Publisher: Unknown Place: Arizona Date: 1983-02-03 Author: Ferraro, K.J. Johnson, J.M. Article: The Meanings of Courtship Violence Journal/Book: Paper for Family Violence Research Conference - New Hampshire Publisher: None Place: Arizona Date: Aug-84 Author: Feshbach, S Article: Sex, Aggression and Violence Toward Women Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: California, Los Angeles Date: Unknown Author: Field, M & Field, H Article: Marital Violence and the Criminal Process: Neither Justice nor Peace Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Unknown Place: Chicago, Illinois Date: 1972-04-20 Author: Fields, M Article: Wife Beating: The Hidden Offense Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation B Place: Brooklyn, New York Date: 1976 Author: Fields, M Article: Representing Battered Wives, or What to do Until the Police Arrive Journal/Book: Article Publisher: The Family Law Reporter, The Bureau of National Affairs Inc. Place: New York Date: Apr-77 Author: Finch, J. Article: Families, Generations and Policy Relevant Research Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Liverpool Date: 1994 Author: Finkelhor, D. Hotaling, G.T. Article: Sexual Abuse in the National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect: An Appraisal Journal/Book: Child Abuse and Neglect vol 8 Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd. Place: U.S.A. Date: 1984 Author: Flavia Article: My Story… Our Story of Re-Building Broken Lives Journal/Book: Autobiographical Publisher: Women's Centre, Bombay Place: Bombay, India Date: Nov-84 Author: Flitcraft, A Article: Battered Women: An Emergency Room Epidemiology with a Description of a Clinical Syndrome and Critique of Present Therapeutics Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: USA Date: 1978-02-15 Author: Flitcraft, A & Stark, E Article: Household Violence Against Women: The Social Construction of a Private Event Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Flynn, J Article: Recent Findings Related to Wife Abuse Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Social Casework Place: Michigan Date: Jan-77 Author: Follingstad, D.R. Et al. Article: Identification of Patterns of Wife Abuse Journal/Book: Journal of Interpersonal Violence vol 6 (2) Publisher: Sage Publications Place: South Carolina Date: Jun-91 Author: Foneska, S Article: A Study of Wie-Beating in the Camberwell area Journal/Book: The British Journal of Criminal Practice Publisher: Unknown Place: London Date: 1974 Author: Foucault, M. Article: The Subject and Power Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1983 Author: Foucault, M. Article: Entretien Avec Michel Foucault: A propos de l'enfermement penitentiaire Journal/Book: OR Economie et finances Publisher: Unknown Place: France Date: Unknown Author: Fowler, B. Article: Bread and Circuses: Interpretations of modern history in recent popular literature Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Edinburgh Date: Mar-88 Author: Frankberg, R. Article: In the Production of their Lives, Men (?)… Sex and Gender in British Community Studies Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Fraser, J.C. Article: Raped, yes I have been Journal/Book: Collection of poetry Publisher: None Place: Unknown Date: 1978 Author: Fraser, J.C. Article: Battered, Of course I was Journal/Book: Collection of poetry Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Frazier, P.A. Borgida, E. Article: Rape Trauma Syndrome Journal/Book: Law and Human Behaviour vol 16 (3) Publisher: Plenum Publishing Corporation Place: Minneapolis Date: 1992 Author: Freeman, J. Article: The Tyranny of Structurelessness Journal/Book: Journal Publisher: Anarchist Workers Association Place: Hull Date: Unknown Author: Freeman, M.D.A. Article: Violence Against Women: Does the legal system provide solutions or itself constitute the problem? Journal/Book: British Journal of Law and Society Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1980 Author: Freeman, M.D.A. Article: Towards a Critical Theory of Family Law Journal/Book: Current Legal Problems vol 38. Publisher: Stevens and Sons Ltd. Place: London Date: 1985 Author: Freeman, M.D.A. Article: The Criminal Law Journal/Book: From: Dealing with Domestic Violence Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Fricker, N. Article: Harassment as a Tort Journal/Book: New Law Journal Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1992-02-21 Author: Friedan, B. Article: A Woman's Secret Fight Journal/Book: Newspaper Article Publisher: The Sunday Times Place: England Date: 2000-05-28 Author: Friedman, S. Article: Hetrosexuality, Couples and Parenthood: a 'Natural' Cycle? Journal/Book: From 'On the Problem of men' Publisher: The Women's Press Place: London Date: 1982 Author: Fritz, L Article: Why We Had to Picket 'Snuff' Journal/Book: Book - The Village Voice Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1976-05-01


Identifier lmk9yc7x
IRN 497766
Class Mark FAN/JH/RES/ART/Fa-Fr
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/lmk9yc7x
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Articles
Date 1972-2000
Size and Medium 1 box

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