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Article: The Indianapolis Ruling Journal/Book: Ms. Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Apr-85 Author: MacKinnon, C.A. Article: Violence Against Women - a perspective Journal/Book: Aeges, (33) Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Winter 1983 Author: Maclean, B.D. Et al. Article: Women and Crime in Islington Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Islington Date: Jan-86 Author: Macleod, L Article: Wife Battering in Canada: The Vicious Circle Journal/Book: Report to the Canadian Advisory Council on the status of Women Publisher: Canadian Governement Publishing Centre Place: Quebec Date: Jan-80 Author: Maidment, S. Article: Domestic Violence and the Law: The 1976 Act and its aftermath Journal/Book: From: Johnson, N. 'Marital Violence' Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul Place: London, Boston Date: 1985 Author: Maitland, L. Article: Courts Easy on Rising Family Violence Journal/Book: The New York Times Publisher: The New York Times Company Place: New York Date: 1976-06-14 Author: Malamuth, N.M. Article: The Effects of Aggressive-Pornographic Mass Media Stimuli Journal/Book: Chapter prepared for Berkowits, L. 'Advances in Experimental Social Psychology' Publisher: Academic Press Place: New York Date: Unknown Author: Malamuth, N.M. Check, J.V.P. Article: Penile Tumescence and Perceptusl Responses to Rapeas a Function of Victims Percieved Reactions Journal/Book: Journal of Applied Social Psychology Publisher: Unknown Place: Manitoba, Canada Date: 1980 Author: Malamuth, N.M. Check, J.V.P. Article: The Effects of Mass Media Exposure on Acceptance of Violence Against Women: A Field Experiment Journal/Book: Journal of Research in Personality (15) Publisher: Academic Press Place: Manitoba, Canada Date: 1981 Author: Malamuth, N.M. Spinner, B. Article: A Longitudinal Content Analysis of Sexual Violence in the Best Selling Erotic Magazines Journal/Book: Journal of Sex Research vol 16 (3) Publisher: Unknown Place: Manitoba, Canada Date: Aug-80 Author: Mann, S. Article: Feminist Issues and Social Policy:Some comments on recent feminist history Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Bradford Date: Unknown Author: Mannarino, A.P. Cohen, J.A. Article: A Clincal Demographic Study of Sexually Abused Children Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Manning, M. Article: Screaming for a Place to Hide Journal/Book: Community Care Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1975-01-01 Author: Manning, M. Article: Should We Pity the Paedophiles? Journal/Book: Community Care Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1977-10-19 Author: Marcovitch, A. Article: Refuges for Battered Women Journal/Book: Social Work Today vol 7 (2) Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1976-04-15 Author: Marcus, M.L. Article: Conjugal Violence: The law of force and the force of law Journal/Book: California Law Review vol 69 Publisher: Unknown Place: California Date: 1981 Author: Marsden, D. Article: Sociological Perspectives on Family Violence Journal/Book: Chapter from a book (2 copies) Publisher: Unknown Place: Essex Date: Jan-77 Author: Marsden, D. Owens, D. Article: The Jekyll and Hyde Marriages Journal/Book: New Society Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1975-05-08 Author: Marsh, D. Article: New Scheme Targets Violence in the Home Journal/Book: Newspaper Article - Yorkshire Evening Post Publisher: Yorkshire Evening Post Ltd. Place: Leeds Date: 1998-01-09 Author: Marske, C. Et al Article: Combatting Sexual Harassment: A New Awareness Journal/Book: USA Today Publisher: Unknown Place: USA Date: Mar-80 Author: Martin, D. Article: The Economics of Wife Beating Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: America Date: Aug - Sep 1976 Author: Martin, D. Article: Wife-Beating: A Product of Socio-Sexual Development Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Martin, H. Article: Building Trades Snubs Auf Wiedersehen Girls Journal/Book: Newspaper Article - Telegraph and Argus Publisher: Unknown Place: Bradford Date: 1987-03-12 Author: Martin, P. Article: Battered Women and Social Work Journal/Book: Violence and the Family Book Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Masters, P. Shallice, J. Article: The Politics of Pornography: Can the left stalk the line? Journal/Book: British Features Publisher: Unknown Place: Britain Date: Jul-81 Author: Masterson, J. Article: The Effects of Erotica and Pornography on Attitudes and Behaviour: A review Journal/Book: The British Psychological Society Publisher: Unknown Place: Great Britain Date: 1984 Author: Mattinson, J. Sinclair, I. Article: Mate and Stalemate Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Mawby, R.I. Article: A Note on Domestic Disputes Reported to the Police Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Unknown Place: Bradford Date: Unknown Author: Mawby, R.I. Et al Article: The Press and Karen Spencer Journal/Book: Social Work Today vol 10 (22) Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1979-01-30 Author: Maxfield, M.G. Article: Fear of Crime in England and Wales Journal/Book: Research Study Publisher: None Place: Great Britain Date: Unknown Author: May, M. Article: Violence in the Family: An historical Perspective Journal/Book: Chapter from a book - unknown Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Mayhew, P. Article: The Effectivness of Street Lighting in Preventing Crime Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Maynard, M. Article: The Response of Social Workers to Domestic Violence Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: McAdam, G. Article: Willing Women and the Rise of Convents in Nineteenth-century England Journal/Book: Women's History Review vol 8 (3) Publisher: Unknown Place: Dewsbury, U.K. Date: 1999 Author: McCleary, R. Et al. Article: Uniform Crime Reports as Organizational Outcomes: Three times series experiments Journal/Book: Social Problems vol 29 (4) Publisher: Unknown Place: Arizona Date: Apr-82 Author: McCombie, S.L. Et al Article: Development of a Medical Center Rape Crisis Intervention Programme Journal/Book: Am J Psychiatry 133:4 Publisher: Unknown Place: Boston Date: Apr-76 Author: McConville, B. Article: What Else Can a Poor Girl Do? Journal/Book: Honey Magazine Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: May-82 Author: McFadden, M. Article: Public Pain and Private Pleasure: Lesbian women talking within Northern Ireland Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Sheffield Date: 1999 Author: McFadyean, M. Article: I is for Incest Journal/Book: New Society Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1986-01-24 Author: McIntosh, P. Article: White Privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack Journal/Book: Peace and Freedom Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Jul/Aug 1989 Author: McKane, D.J. Article: The Community Constable Programme in West Yorkshire, England Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Unknown Place: England Date: Unknown Author: McKeganey, N. Bloor, M. Article: Spotting the Invisible Man: The Influence of Male Gender on Fieldwork Relations Journal/Book: British Journal of Sociology vol 42 (2) Publisher: Unknown Place: Glasgow Date: 1991 Author: McKeon, M. Article: Protection for co-habitees in domestic violence bill Journal/Book: The Law Society's Gazette (18) Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1992-05-13


Identifier bnht3rsj
IRN 497771
Class Mark FAN/JH/RES/ART/Ma-Mc
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Articles
Date 1936-1999
Size and Medium 1 box

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