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Article: Domestic Violence: An investigation of the psychological aspects of the Battered Woman Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Asch, S Article: Crib Deaths: Their possible relationship to post-partum depression and infanticide Journal/Book: Journal Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: 1968 Author: Ashworth, G. Article: Of Violence and Violation: women and human rights Journal/Book: Journal -Change thinkbook (2) Publisher: CHANGE Place: Unknown Date: Jun-86 Author: Asphodel Article: Feminism and Sexuality: A review of recent publications 1975-1981 Journal/Book: Women's Studies Int. Forum vol 5 (1) Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd. Place: Great Britain Date: 1982 Author: Assister, A. Article: Philosophical Materialism or the Materialist Conception of History Journal/Book: Radical Philosophy (23) Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Winter 1979 Author: Atkeson, B.M. Et al. Article: Victims of Rape: Repeated assessment of depressive symptoms Journal/Book: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology vol 50 (96-102) Publisher: Unknown Place: Georgia Date: 1982 Author: Attar, D. Article: An Open Letter on Anti-semitism and Racism Journal/Book: Trouble and Strife (1) Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Winter 1983 Author: Ayalon, O. Et al. Article: Child Abuse: The daughter as a sexual victim in the family Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Springer-Verlag Place: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo Date: 1984 Author: Baasher, T.A. Article: Symposium on the Changing Status of Sudanese Women: "Psycho-social aspects of female circumcision" Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: Unknown Place: Omdurman - Sudan Date: Feb/Mar 1979 Author: Badri, G Article: Symposium on the Changing Status of Sudanese Women: "The views of Sudanese gynaeocologists, midwives and college students on female circumcision" Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: Unknown Place: Omdurman - Sudan Date: Feb/Mar 1979 Author: Bailey, S. Article: Adolescents Who Murder Journal/Book: Journal of Adolescence (19) Publisher: The Association for Professionals in Services for Adolescents Place: Unknown Date: 1996 Author: Baker, A Article: The Power of Play Journal/Book: Community Care Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Jan 23rd 1986 Author: Bako, Y Article: Ethical/Philosophical Considerations within the Battered Women's Movement Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Jun 5th 1979 Author: Ball, M Article: Issues of Violence in Family Casework Journal/Book: Social Casework Publisher: Unknown Place: New York Date: Jan-77 Author: Balzac, S. Article: The Death of the Author Journal/Book: Article Publisher: Unknown Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Bandarage, A. 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Article: The Police and Interpersonal Conflict: Third Party Intervention Approaches Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: Police Foundation Place: Connecticut Date: 1978-03-22 Author: Bareksten, B. Article: Changes in Family Structures Journal/Book: Paper Publisher: None Place: Unknown Date: Unknown Author: Barnard College Article: Diary Journal/Book: Diary Publisher: The Women's Centre- Columbia University Place: New York Date: Sep 2nd 1981 Author: Barnes, A. Article: Love Hurts Journal/Book: Women Publisher: Unknown Place: Leeds Date: 1995-08-01 Author: Baron L, Straus M Article: Sexual Stratification, Pornography and Rape In American States Journal/Book: Paper - To be published Malamuth N, Donnertein E (Eds) Pornongrapghy and Sexual Progression Publisher: Academic Press Place: San Francisco Date: 1984 Author: Baron L, Straus M Article: Four Theories of Rape in American Society Journal/Book: UIC Psychiatry Publisher: Yale University Press Place: New Haven Date: 1989 Author: Barrera, M. 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Identifier jfqqk7vh
IRN 497759
Class Mark FAN/JH/RES/ART/A-Ba
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/jfqqk7vh
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Articles
Date 1968-1996
Size and Medium 1 box

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