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The Effect of Gender on the Provision of Physical Education in Middle Schools in Bradford
MA University of Bradford Programme: Women's Studies (Applied) School: Applied Social Studies
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Feminist Archive North
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Reclaim the Night 1977-1987
Sexism, Sexuality and Social Control: A Case Study in Education
Denaturalising Care
Male-Female Violence in Late Victorian and Edwardian England
An Examination of Differential Credibility of Women and Men as Defendants in the Courts of England and Wales, Specifically in cases of Domestic Homicide
omen, Violence and Television: A Feminist Critique and Alternative Analysis
The March of Reclaim the Night: Feminist Activism in Movement
A Study of Gender and Sexuality in a Hotel Environment
International Labour Standards and Women's Workers Rights: A case study of the Philippine garment industry
'Over Here': A Study of the Emigration Experiences of Irish Women in West Yorkshire
Local Government Policies and Practices towards Lesbians, Sexuality, Women, Feminism up to 1993
Gendered Bodies: Location and Control of the Female Body By Specific Sport Practices; Sex Testing, Non-Prohibition of Oestrogenic Substances, and, Prohibition of Androgenic Substances
An Enquiry into Factors that may Contribute to Violence between Lesbian Partners
Social Work Responses to Women with Alcohol Problems
From 'Death of the Female' to Life Itself: A Socio-Historic Examination of FINRRAGE
Childcare and the Labour Market: Mothers' Experiences in Britain
Who's Abusing Who? - Is there a backlash against the Feminist Approach to Child Sexual Abuse
Environmentalism: Are women's attitudes and concerns different from those of men
How do the personal tragedies of women lead them to form new and successful intervention? The story of Irene Ivison and the Coalition for the Removal of Pimping
Effects on Part-Time Women Youth Workers of Changes in the Employment Conditions of Part-Time Workers in Derbyshire County Council
Wholesale Health: Why Some Women Become Involved in Holistic Health
Equal Employment Opportunity Law In Japan and Its Effect On Women
Bad Girls and Excessive Women: The Social Construction of the "Promiscuous" Woman
Rethinking Masculinity: A Critical Examination of the Dynamics of Masculinity in the Context of an English Prison
The Circle of Female Disadvantage
Sexuality in an Organizational Setting: The Oppressions and Pleasures in Lloyds of London, a Male Dominated Institution
An Exploration of the Work Experiences of Enrolled Nurses
Local Authority and Women's Aid Management Responses to Changing Funding Regimes 1985 to 1998
The Voluntary Work of Women in the Public Sphere. Barnsley - - - The Case Study
The "Truth" Is Not Out There: Some considerations of the value of discourse analysis to feminism
Drugs Education in the Metropolitan Borough of Bury: A Study of Girls who Participate in the Youth and Community Service
Positive Action in Management Education and its Role in the Development of Female Managers in the UK
An exploratory study on emotional abuse in civilian and military couples. A comparative approach to the phenomenon of Emotional Abuse, through a Feminist Perspective, in 2000s Crete
Women and Policing: The lack of accountability
Women Managers: Training and Job Prospects A Study in Skipton
Well Being, Strain and Distress: How Secretaries Feel at Work
Engendering Poverty: An Application of the British Feminist Critique of Mainstream Research on Poverty to two Catalan Studies
Economic Issues of Development and Their Effects on Women - A Ugandan Survey
An Examination of the Sexual Division of Labour The Case of the Petrol Station
Sites of Resistance: An Analysis of Obstacles to an Attempted Application of Feminist Practice in Mental Health Day Care
Irish Women in Britain: Creating Knowledge. Constructing Identity
All the Rage: Revolutionary Feminism in England, 1977-1983
Exposing the Myth of Female Inferiority in Spatial Ability: A Pilot Study
A study of Feminist Activism at Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment
Anti-Semitism and Feminism
A Phenomenology of Catholic Womanhood
Woman and Food
Labour Party Women: Patterns of Participation in West Yorkshire in the 1980s
An evaluation of the effectiveness of a groupwork programme for perpetrators convicted of a domestic violence offence
The Politics of Feminist Radicalism: A study in intergrative feminism
Women Counselling: A Survey of the Problems Explored by Women Counsellors/Therapists
La gestion polygame du désir: l'échangisme entre commerce du sexe et utopies
Playwork: A Gendered Perspective
Respectable Mothers, Tough Men and Good Daughters: Producing Persons in Manenberg Township, South Africa
The Place of Feminist Theory in Sociology
The De-Gaying of AIDS: Are AIDS Organisations Accessible to Women?
Why are women deterred from Information Technology as a career and what can be done to remedy this?
Women Killed by Men Known To Them
Technogyny: The Transformation of Reproduction
Feminist Resistance: An Oral History of the Dworkin-MacKinnon Anti-Pornography Civil Rights Ordinance
Women as Victims of Personal Crime: Evidence from the British Crime Survey 1984
Young Women and the Informal Economy
Gender Constructions in the Construction Industry
Women's responses to the use of pornography
Changing Attitudes Through Classroom Intervention: A Research Project
Making Rape A War Crime: The International Criminal Tribunal For The Former Yugoslavia And Its Treatment Of Sexual Violence
Adult Educators' Perceptions of Women's Needs in Adult Education: A Study of Leeds LEA Continuing Education Service
'Sharing Thoughts': A Woman-Centred Approach to 'Communication Skills' in Adult Basic Education
Measuring the impact of unemployment on women's participation in the labour market across ethnic groups in Britain
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Feminism and Homeopathy: A discussion of ways in which homeopathy constitutes an alternative way of understanding health and the body which is resistant to the normalising, excluding, subordinating, and policing function of allopathy
Women and Part Time Work
The Social and Political Implications of Donor and Self Insemination used by Lesbians, Bisexual Women and Single Women: Examining the Challenge to Patriarchy and Patriarchal Response
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An Exploratory Analysis of "Just Seventeen" Magazine
Political Intervention in Marital Violence
The Impact of Gender on the Lives of Adolescent School Girls: A Case Study
The Interconnections Between the Oppression of Women and the Oppression of Animals: Why Animal Liberation is a Feminist Issue
Victim and Offender Mediation and Reparation: A Feminist Critique
The Effect of Gender on the Provision of Physical Education in Middle Schools in Bradford
Coal and 'Class Machismo'
The Dynamics of Interviewing Known Violent Men
Closed Eyes, Covered Ears, Silenced Women, Inevitable Consequences? Women on Probation and their Experiences of Violence and Abuse
Anti-Oppressive Social Work Education with reference to the Welsh Language
Women and the Impact of Liberal and Gendered Definitions of Citizenship: Social Contract to Social Charter
Appendices To: Classroom Interaction, Pupil and Teacher Strategies, and Gender Inequality
Women Counsellors and Therapists: An Evaluation of a Series of Discussion Groups held at the Women's Counselling and Therapy Service, Leeds. January - May. 1989.
'Now Look What You've Done' The Notion of Responsibility in Domestic Violence
Gender Differences Between Italian and British Experiences and Perceptions on Sexual Harassment
The 'Religion of Nature': Feminist Phrenology and Mesmerism in the Early Victorian Era
Women's Attitudes to Returning to Education as a Means of Self-Improvement and Employment Opportunity
Classroom Interaction, Pupil and Teacher Strategies, and Gender Inequality
Rock History's Forgotten Women 1964-75
Law and Domestic Violence Against Women. Part II. The representation of women victims' needs in socio-legal discourse
The Training of Teachers to Identify and Respond to Child Sexual Abuse in Four Case Study Areas (1989-92)
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Women Watching Men Watching Women: A Feminist Analysis of the Female Spectator
Why do women have children?
Women Machinists in the Clothing Factories of Nantwich, Cheshire, 1925 - 1965.
Resource Allocation in Special Education: an examination of the disproportionately high take-up of provision by boys
The Situation of Women in Nicaragua (1984)
Assertiveness Training for Women in Britain in the 1980's - An Analysis of its Limitations
Lesbian Mothers: An Examination of Parenting in the 1990s
Women's Breastfeeding: An analysis of women's contacts with a National Childbirth Trust breastfeeding counsellor in England, 1979-1989
The Significance of Domestic Work in the Lives of Two Rural Women (1916-86): An Oral History Study
Women, Social Work and the Residential Services: A Feminist Analysis of a Northern Local Authority Residential Setting
Rhetoric, Reality, and the Postion of Women in Selected Developing Socialist Countries
How Teenage Girls See Their Futures
A Field Study and Analysis of the Long Term Effects of Battering on Women in the North West of England
The Troubles: To What Extent Are They The Motivation For Migration? Northern Irish Women To London 1968-1989
Fit to Mother? An Examination of Characteristics Required of Foster Mothers in a Northern S.S.D.
The Law and Domestic Violence Against Women: The history of law reforms in relation to domestic violence against women from the 18th to the 20th century and an analysis of women victims' needs in contemporary socio-legal discourse
Guardians of Civil Liberties or Mirror of a Homophobic Society?: Two Newspaper Representations of Political Campaigns Against Section 28 of the Local Government Act (1988) During the Period 1st December 1987 - 31st May 1988.
Rapes Not Reported to the Police: An analysis of five self-referrals to the Strathclyde Rape Crisis Centre
Female Genital Mutilation: The Control of Women's Sexuality: Case Study of Tanzania and Somalia
Special Educational Provision: Access To and Experience of Short Courses for Women at a Northern College
Black, Asian And Migrant Sex Workers In Germany: How AGISRA Reponds In Their Work Around Prostitution And Racial Stereotypes Of Black Women
How the Youth Service Fails Adolescent Girls - A Case of Sex Discrimination
An Investigation into Domestic Violence and Mental Health Service
The Training of Primary Teachers to Identify and Respond to Child Sexual Abuse in Four Local Government Authorities (1989-92)
Children of Seacole: An analysis of black nurses in West Yorkshire
A Woman's Right? English Feminism & The Politics of Fertility Control 1880 - 1939
Feminist Therapy
Rethinking Women's Studies through Origins and Community c.1972-1990
Attitudes Towards Rape: A cross-cultural approach (located in Sue Hall collection)
Social Control of Lesbianism: A Comparative Ethnography of an Active Group and a Covert Group of Adelaide Lesbians
An Exploration of Identities: Feminist and Jewish
Challenges Faced By Contemporary Indian Feminists in Wake of the Rise of Extreme Hindu Nationalism: Women, the Hindu Tradition and Nationalist Movements in India from 1900s to 1990s
The Wilder Shores of Heterosexism; Health and Sex Education in Schools: Implications for Practice
Women and Debt
Domestic Homicide: An Examination of Gender Ideologies in the Defence of Provocation
Women in Old Age: 'Living' Choices from a Feminist Perspective
Problems in Relations Between Women: A Feminist Object Relational Account
International Labour Standards and Women Worker's Rights: A case study of the Philippine garment industry KEEP IN ANGELA HALE 31/06, BOX 04
The Introduction of a Career Break Scheme
The Body as a Site of Resistance: An Analysis of Fat-Hatred and the Case for Feminist Fat Liberation
Surviving Rape and Seeking Justice
The Construction of Meaning: Editing a Book of Writing About Child Sexual Abuse