Fishermen with Haaf Nets


Four fishermen with haaf nets, or have-nets, on the River Nith at Glencaple (Dumfries and Galloway). Three of the men stand in a line holding their nets, waiting for salmon to swim into them. The fourth has caught a salmon and is clubbing and bagging it. Mounted on Photo File card. With ms. note. Originally held in Photo File: Salmon Fishing.


Identifier pr82spjz
IRN 411334
Class Mark LAVC/PHO/P0398
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Salmon Fishing: Photocards
Creator(s) Sanderson, Stewart
Date June 1963
Size and Medium 1 mounted photographic print.

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