Salmon Fishing: Rowing a Shot


Rowing a shot on the River Tweed at Low Bells Shiel, near West Ord (Northumberland). One man rows the salmon coble out from the bank to circle across the river, whilst a second holds the tow line. The staff floats at the end of the tow line, which the second man will walk down to the landing. Mounted on Photo File card. With typed note. Originally held in Photo File: Salmon Fishing.


Identifier b143fcs8
IRN 411319
Class Mark LAVC/PHO/P0383
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Salmon Fishing: Photocards
Creator(s) Sanderson, Stewart
Date Summer 1958
Size and Medium 1 mounted photographic print.

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