Lotz (Karoly) , "Gypsy girl," seated with cards.


Colour lithograph of woman seated with [tarot/playing] cards. From painting by [Karl/Karoly]Lotz, made by Giuseppe or Giacomo Marastoni. 20 x 23 cm. 1863. In background are an encampment and a farm. The original and the dated lithograph are both signed by their respective artists. Mounted. Pencilled on mount: “Lotzfest (Marastoni litogr.)”; “Cziganylany” [sic]; and “gypsy girl”.


Identifier mkpc9fls
IRN 504968
Class Mark BC MS ROM 1/5/23
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/mkpc9fls
Collection(s) Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Collections
Category Archive Art
Parent Record Artwork
Date 1863
Size and Medium lithograph

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