"Wandernde Zigeunerfamilie," Unknown artist.


Coloured engraving of a man lighting pipe standing left, woman kneeling, two children standing, fire, two vessels. In text is written, "Wandernde Zigeunerfamilie.” [in pencil "Wandering Gypsies"] and "“Bujdoklo tziganyfamilia." Numbered 51 25 x 15 cm. Paper size 33x21 cm. [c. 1800?].


Identifier dwzdcdrk
IRN 504985
Class Mark BC MS ROM 1/5/38
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/dwzdcdrk
Collection(s) Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Collections
Category Archive Art
Parent Record Artwork
Date c.1800
Size and Medium 1 engraving

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