

Drawings and paintings of Gypsy,Traveller, Roma related subjects. Some drawings and paintings also include accompanying notes, receipts and letters that evidence their purchase. These are listed alongside the drawing and painting to which they relate.


Identifier tlmcqh3z
IRN 504845
Class Mark BC MS ROM 1/5
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Collections
Category Archive Art
Parent Record Romany Collection (1)
Date c.1780 - c.1961
Size and Medium 9 boxes, artwork
System of Arrangement Order is arranged by artist in alphabetic order, (as per the published catalogue, 1962). For each artist where more than one drawing or painting exists - these are then listed in chronological order, (where this exists).Some drawings and paintings also include accompanying notes, receipts and letters that evidence their purchase. These are listed alongside the drawing and painting to which they relate. Where the artist is unknown the painting is instead listed alphabetically by its known title, (as per the original 1962 catalogue).

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