Decadent Local Industries: Pottery and Quarrying


This volume contains two articles written by James Walton for the 'Some Decadent Local Industries' series of articles published in the 'Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society' (March 1938). The two articles are on pottery and quarrying in the Halifax and Calderdale area, respectively. The volume also includes pasted-in trade cards, advertising leaflets, press cuttings, and three black and white photographic prints.


Identifier mgr74c2t
IRN 410460
Class Mark LAVC/NSP/43/3
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Collected Articles on Yorkshire Crafts and Craftsmen. Etc.
Creator(s) Walton, James
Date 1938
Size and Medium 1 bound volume of cuttings: 19-59 p.

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