Country Crafts and Craftsmen


This volume contains a series of articles written by James Walton for 'The Schoolmasters and Woman Teacher's Chronicle' (January-May 1941). The first in the series states the articles' intention as a regional survey scheme for rural and evacuated schools. The collected articles include a general introduction, and essays on woodland craftsmen, woodworkers, the rope-maker, potters, metalworkers, stoneworkers, thatchers and leatherworkers.


Identifier jwwtryct
IRN 410466
Class Mark LAVC/NSP/43/10
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Collected Articles on Yorkshire Crafts and Craftsmen. Etc.
Creator(s) Walton, James
Date 1941
Size and Medium 1 bound volume of cuttings: [30] p.; illustrated.

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