Dales Crafts and Craftsmen


Articles written by James Walton on the craftsmen of the Yorkshire Dales, for the series 'Dales Crafts and Craftsmen' in 'The Yorkshire Dalesman', extracted and pasted into a hard-backed scrapbook. These include descriptions of a besom maker at Draughton, the Cobbydale ( Silsden) nail makers, the knitters of Dent, the potters and basketmakers of Burton in Lonsdale, William Beck the Scosthrop joiner, dry stone walling, the Cravendale spinners, Wilfred Hoggart (blacksmith of West Marton), tanning and cobbling, handloom weavers, and barns and laithes in Cravendale. This volume also includes R. R. Waterhouse's article, 'An Artist of the Forge' (on the blacksmith Wilfred Hoggart, also from 'The Yorkshire Dalesman'), a reader's letter on bakestone making, and black and white photographic and postcard prints of Gledstone Hall, accompanying the article on blacksmiths.


Identifier bbj2nh3r
IRN 410458
Class Mark LAVC/NSP/43/1
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/bbj2nh3r
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Collected Articles on Yorkshire Crafts and Craftsmen. Etc.
Creator(s) Walton, James
Date [1930s-1940s]
Size and Medium 1 bound volume of cuttings: 27 p.

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