Creation of Eve (fol. 121r)
The historiated initial 'H' shows Eve, apaprently at the moment of her creation from Adam's side, reaching up in prayer to God, who is clad in a red p...
The historiated initial 'H' shows Eve, apaprently at the moment of her creation from Adam's side, reaching up in prayer to God, who is clad in a red p...
The miniature at the foot of the page shows a man treading grapes, while another brings in another basket from the vineyard shown next to the house. T...
A group of angels, announcing the birth of Christ and holding a scroll bearing the message, appears in the sky to three shepherds. One shepherd stands...
The miniature at the foot of the page shows two men reaping corn at harvest, and one man binding sheaves. The border has a fly, pinks, pea flowers, st...
St. Claude is shown clad in a bishop's mitre and holding a processional cross. Context: Suffrages: O desolatorum consolator captivorum liberator...
Initial 'P' has St. Peter holding a book. Context: First Epistle of Peter...
St. Peter is shown holding a key, wihle St. Paul holds a sword, the instrument of his martyrdom. Context: Suffrages: Saint Peter and Saint Paul...
Initial 'L' encloses a scene of a tonsured cleric writing at a lectern. Context: Gospel according to Saint Matthew...
The full-page miniature shows St. Elizabeth kneeling and holding the hands of her cousin, the Virgin Mary. A hilly landscape is in the background. The...
The body of Christ is taken down from the cross by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, who are standing on ladders. Mary Magdalene, dressed in green, h...