Louis XI of France (image 40)
The roundel has Louis XI of France enthroned (61). Context: History of the world: French history...
The roundel has Louis XI of France enthroned (61). Context: History of the world: French history...
The roundel miniature has the zodiacal sign of Gemini (the twins), showing a naked man and woman apparently standing in water. The border has a robin,...
Part of the genealogical network or tree that follows throughout the manuscript, names written within red circles. Several initials in gold on blue/re...
The roundel miniature depicts the zodiacal sign of Pisces (the fish). The border is decorated with pinks, pea flowers, strawberries, speedwells, curle...
Volume 1 contains extracts from Ptolemy Mathematike Syntaxis (the Almagest), together with two other short works on astronomy by Ptolemy (c. 2 AD), an...
St. Apollonia, the patron saint of toothache, is depicted with a man pulling a tooth out of her mouth with pincers. Blood pours from her mouth. Cont...
4-line initial 'D' in gold, on a red/blue background, decorated with white penwork. 1/4 bar-frame border in gold and blue. The rest of the border is d...
Christ is depicted with a cruciform halo, blessing and holding a cross. Context: Prayers to the Holy Trinity: Christ: Domine iesu christe fili dei...
3-line initial 'B' in gold on a red/blue background with white penwork ornamentation of flowers, and decorated with two small quatrefoils at corners. ...
The full-page miniature shows Christ carrying the cross, surrounded by soldiers, and followed by the Virgin Mary and St. John. The border is formed fr...