Pig and bird (fol. 25r)


3-line initial 'B' in gold on a red/blue background with white penwork ornamentation of flowers, and decorated with two small quatrefoils at corners. The initial extends into a 1/4 bar-frame column border in gold, blue and red, and decorated with small green leaf-type motifs. The upper border is decorated with fantastical flowers, mainly barbed trefoils, in various colours and decorated with hairline sqiggles. The lower border has a head of a pig-like grotesque, a head of a bird, a strange large flower, barbed quatrefoils and gold discs decorated with hairline sqiggles. Attached to the fore-edge of the leaf is a small red fabric ball to mark a division of the text. Further into the book there is also a green marker. Context: Psalter


Identifier tngc641t
IRN 373357
Class Mark BC MS 24/2
Level Piece
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/tngc641t
Collection(s) Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Manuscript
Parent Record [Psalterium]
Date [ca. 1450-1500]

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