St. John, the Evangelist (fol. 13r)
The full-page miniature shows St. John, the Evangelist, writing the Book of Revelation on a scroll on the island of Patmos. The eagle, his symbol, is ...
The full-page miniature shows St. John, the Evangelist, writing the Book of Revelation on a scroll on the island of Patmos. The eagle, his symbol, is ...
The border is historiated with a scene of two men holding plates towards a window of a house from which a group of figures looks out. A face can also ...
The main miniature shows a man binding sheaves of corn at harvest-time, and the border miniature has the zodiacal sign for July, Leo (the lion). The b...
Foliate initial 'S' is historiated with the scene of the Last Supper, with Christ and the apostles gathered around the table. The border is decorated ...
The historiated border includes a man sitting on a pillow and holding a wooden club, and a grotesque in the form of a half-lion and a bird. Context:...
The foliate initial 'S' is historiated with the scene of Moses receiving the Tables of the Law from God. The border is decorated with columbines and s...
The arched miniature depicts a male figure kneeling in prayer in front of the Virgin and Child. His black hat lies on the ground beside him. An angel ...
The double-compartment miniature has a man slaughtering a pig, and the zodiacal sign of Capricorn (the goat). The scenes in the historiated border are...
The Virgin Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child make their way to Egypt through a hilly landscape, Mary riding on an ass. One of the Egyptian idols falls...
The double-compartment miniature has a man treading grapes, and the zodiacal sign of Libra (the balance, or scales). The scenes in the historiated bor...