Debenham & Freebody furniture exhibition ticket
Early 20th century lithographed ticket for Messrs Debenham & Freebody's exhibition of Old English drawing room furniture, adressed to J. Levien Esq. i...
Early 20th century lithographed ticket for Messrs Debenham & Freebody's exhibition of Old English drawing room furniture, adressed to J. Levien Esq. i...
Pictorial 18th century engraved trade card of Thomas Silk. Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom with floral decoration and motto 'Dieu et mon droi...
Pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of Jenkins & Co. Britannia and lion with putti painting on easel and ships in distance depicted inside flor...
Pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of T. Ovenden depicting 'Organ Screen, Redcliff [Redcliffe] Church, Erected 1841. W. Ringer Esqr Churchward...
Pictorial 19th century engraved billhead of Charles Bailey depicting country house with columns and scaffolding in rectangular panel to left. Trader d...
Pictorial 19th century engraved billhead of William Hoult backed on mount. Woman in classical dress depicted to left holding fabric banner, seated on ...
Pictorial 19th century engraved billhead of James Massey depicting construction site of timber framed building. Trader details in a variety of typefac...
Sheet of 19th century advertisements from a trade directory or advertising leaflet. On obverse, 'By Special Appointment to Her Late Majesty Queen Adel...
19th century set of Abraham Le Blond needlebox prints showing print registration holes to left. 'Regal Set' of ten oblong colour scenes depicted on on...
Bottom half of highly pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of W. Sym [William Sym]. Trader details in a variety of typefaces inscribed on plinth...