A. F. G. Coe trade card
Simple 20th century lithographed trade card of A. F. G. Cole on blue card. Item unfolds to reveal 'whist' score card. Manuscript pencil note in John B...
Simple 20th century lithographed trade card of A. F. G. Cole on blue card. Item unfolds to reveal 'whist' score card. Manuscript pencil note in John B...
Simple 20th century trade card of Wicks Worthington. Transcription: HANDMADE FURNITURE by WICKS WORTHINGTON contact ROBERT WICKS Nelson 690672 23 T...
Ornate late 18th century engraved trade card of John Constable. Trader details inside rococo frame with two faces carved into edges. Engraver details ...
Pictorial 19th century engraved billhead of William Powell depicting sofa, chair, four poster bed with drapes, chest of drawers and drop leaf table. C...
Pictorial 19th century engraved billhead of Thomas Ardern. Trader details inscribed on carved frame propped against various items of furniture includi...
Simple 19th century lithographed trade card of T. Cray depicting both sides of medal from Reading Industrial Exhibition. Trader details in a variety o...
Ticket for the inauguration of Waring & Gillow's new building in brown ink, admitting P. Humphreys Esq of 503 Caledonian Road. Course of events and ac...
Elaborate 20th century lithographed trade card of M. Waldenberg. Chesterfield suite of sofa and two chairs depicted in centre of card. Stamp for M. Ha...
Letter from furniture makers P. E. Gane Ltd, Bristol to outfitters Messrs W. G. Allen & Son, Harrogate. The letter states that P. E. Gane can supply f...
Printed designs for two overmantles with dimensions and materials listed below images....