The cocktail book : a sideboard manual for gentlemen
First published : Boston : L.C. Page, 1901....
First published : Boston : L.C. Page, 1901....
Includes recipes from Lady Corke (probably Elizabeth Clifford, d.1690/1, wife of 2nd earl) (f.132); from Lord Justice Willes (1685-1761) (f.10); from ...
Bibliography: pages xxix-xxx....
Four leaves of revised rough draft, dated 10.7.26, together with a pencil note: "This is urgent, - that a copy can be sent to Pinker for U.S.A.". En...
Blank pages for "Notes" interspersed. "First published 1937."...
First ed. Cf. Wing. Issued with 'A true gentlewoman's delight'. Indexed in: Wing K311....
First published by Michael Joseph, 1993....