Cookery Collection
Your query returned 9917 results. Showing results 631 - 640
Le gastronome français, ou l'art de bien vivre
'Discours preliminaire' by Honoré de Balzac. Largely the work of A.B. Grimod de la Reynière and C.L. Cadet de Gassicourt. cf. G. Vicaire, Bibl. gast...
An anonymous eighteenth-century recipe book containing culinary, medical and household recipes
The book begins '[index] Almond'. Recipes are ascribed to 'Mrs. Gorden' (p.10), 'Raffald' (p.45), 'Miss Hall' (p.48), 'Mrs. Masterson' (p.198) and 'Mr...
Five thousand receipts in all the useful and domestic arts : constituting a complete and universal practical library, and operative cyclopædia
Published also under title: A family library; or, Five thousand receipts in the useful and domestic arts....
Blisters on brassicas; a dissertation towards the degree of B.Sc. in the University of Leeds, by Harold Windsor Thompson
Illustrated with drawings and photographs...
Recipe book
Recipe book containing medicinal and culinary recipes in various hands, once in the possession of Gertrude Holcroft Text inverted from f. 37 to end;...
Cookery book
A collection of cookery and general household recipes Pages 1-113 have contemporary numeration; 4 unnumbered pages follow and then a 4-page index. S...
Catalogue of French, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish cookery and housekeeping books, compiled by John Hodgkin
Black octavo note-book, with several blank leaves and a short index...