Cookery Collection
Your query returned 9917 results. Showing results 611 - 620
no.12 (Dec. 1989); no.14 (Feb. 1990); no.16 (April 1990); no.18 (Nov. 1990); no.20-23 (Summer 1991- July 1992); no.25 (June 1993)...
The housekeeper's magazine and family economist
v.1 [1825]-1826 The volume ends at p.528 (Jan. 1826?)...
Appunti di gastronomia
n.1 (feb. 1990); n.16 (feb. 1995)...
Floyd on Oz
Includes index....
Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases : report of a WHO Study Group
"A WHO Study Group on Diet, Nutrition and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases met in Geneva from 6 to 13 March 1989" --p.9....